by Chandrarathna Bandara



Collection of Short stories 1990.

Kenimandala Ginigath da

(The Day the Roof caught fire)

This anthology consists of six short stories, created in the course of the struggle waged to seek out a style of one’s own. All these short-stories stray away from the beaten – track and reaveal mostly the life – ambitions of young men who are neglected and discarded. “Kenimandala Ginigathda” (The Day the Roof Caught fire) and “A Apurva Samsarika Geetaya” (That strange Samsaric Ude”)  are two of one stories in this collection.

Novel 1991


(The winged Ants)

This novel, an autobiographical first-person singular narration, has as its theme, the migration of a village lad to the capital city, through the town in his neighbourhood. He does not take along any life values from his village to the city. He is not able to enter into the urban values either. The rootless life of the sensitive village lad, proves tragic to him and also to a few others.

The narrative method of this work can be characterized as a re-creation of the style introduced in the 60’s by such stalwarts as Gunadasa Amarasekera and Siri Gunasinghe. In truth, this book represents the public debut of Chandraratna Bandara as a professional writer.

1992 - Novel


(The Wild Champaka Flower)

This work received the D.R.Wijewardene Memorial Award for the best novel.

The balance – sheet of the ten-year old ethnic conflict, reduced the Tamil Community to a homeless community.

The theme of this novel is the social and personal sensitivities of a young man who had been reluctantly pulled into this conflict.This work received considerable praise both from the critics and from the general readers.

Anthology of poetry 1982


(The Shaken)

This is a minor anthology of poetry. This is a twenty-page, roneoed collection of poetry of unorthodox size. The cover is made up of a painting that has no relevance whatsoever to the subject-matter of the work. A discarded block was made use of, since something was necessary for the cover. This was brought out as an unorthodox publication, at a time when it was not at all easy to publish a creative work. This can be characterized as a creative attempt to explore an unorthodox avenue of people expression.

poetry - 1982

Asikkitayage Sihinaya

(The Dream of the Vulgar Fellow)

In those far of days, poets resorted to the “popular ballad” format. This work anthologizes some poetry written in that style. This work was composed with the collaboration of a group of fellow-poets – Kapila M.Gamage, Chulabhaya Shanta Kumara Herath and Sirisumana Krishnaratne. A low-budget publication, this can be described as an unorthodox work. This received not inconsiderable acclaim from critics.


Hostage City

The English version of Vana Sapumala

This book was translated into English, under the patronage of the aid- scheme of the Canadian Development Fund.


Udayagal Pukkal

This is the Tamil Version of Vanasapumala

This book was translated into Tamil, under the patronage of the aid-scheme of the Canadian Development Fund.


Walakulu Bemma

By Chandrarathna Bandara

After a gap of about a decade he wrote Walakulu Bemma (The Wall of Clouds) in 2015. Based on Sri Lanka and Canada his fifth book became a best-selling novel in recent years and was shortlisted for the prestigious annual literary award Swarna Pushthaka.

Lendora Pipunu Premaya

By Chandrarathna Bandara

His third collection of short stories was Lendora Pupuna Premaya, published in 2007 after the writer migrated to Canada in 2004, based on his life-changing experiences both in his adopted country and Sri Lanka. The collection contained eight short stories titled Lendora Pipuna Premaya, Gama Madin Gamanak, Me Mage Rusiyawayi, Nagarajini, Saradiyalge Anthima Dawas, Upasaka Mahaththaya, Wanaspathi and Digeli Kala Kaviya. Undercurrent is the English translation of Lendora Pipuna Premaya done by Vijitha Fernando. In 2008 the English version of the collection was listed as one of the best four translations of 2008 at the Sri Lankan Literary Awards Festival.

Ilagata Thanagath Lokaya

By Chandrarathna Bandara

His next short story collection, Ee Langata Thanagath Lokaya was unveiled in 2017 containing six critically-acclaimed stories titled Ee Langata Thanagath Lokaya, Sanka Kalapaya, Kal Akal Wahiwalata Themunu Thun Denek, Sudu Sivura, 457 Union Place, Bawaduka – Bawasepa and Mahagiri Dambe.


By Chandrarathna Bandara

Pinkampola (2017) is a collection that treads new paths in poetry. The poems attempt to break life into particles trying to interpret the personal experiences in a convincing manner. The book was published by Santhawa Prakashakayo.

Keta Kirilli

By Chandrarathna Bandara



By Chandrarathna Bandara

Novel - 1993

Viman Dorakada

(The Entrance of the Mansion)

This is the story of a heroic overview of the generation of old leftists, who lost theoretical and practical mechanisms, to challenge and face the Rightist Change-over that started in Sri Lanka, in 1977. it is also the story of their ruined present.

In the Preface to this work, the Author has this to say: The old leftist Generation, that stood steadfastly, with commitment and earnestness, for the doctrines they believed in, willingly embracing danger, is among the genuine heroes of our country. As they were intimately linked to the soul of the country’s society, they were able to march successfully towards power.

But, by now, their ideal worlds are shattered and dispersed. And, on those stages, constructed with their life-blood, farcical enactments are taking place.

The author has attempted to convey the echo of the sighs of sadness heaved about the present, by those great men, who are in their old-age today after devoting their whole life for the cause they embraced.

Collection of Short-stories - 1995

Stupaya Binda watima

(The downfall of the Dagoba)

This is make up of four short-stories: “Kerima” (The Excavation). “Stupaya Bindavatima” (The downfall of the Dagoba) sil Meniyo (The  Nun), Bavaduka (The suffering of Samsara) and Karkataka (The Crab).

This is Chandraratna Bandara’s Second Collection of Short Stories. It comes with a cover created by expert Artist Jagath Weerasinghe. The “After word” to this book,  has this to say.

After the Polonnaruwa Era, our strong traditions and our Social Consciousness began to deteriorate gradually. This process climaxed in the Kandy period and the whole country came under Foreign Rule. The incident, that comprehensively proved that, the deterioration that took place over a period of time, of the main stream of our tradition and our social consciousness had affected the inner core of our national soul, was the lethargy that pervaded the materialist movement in the effort to achieve Independence from Foreign Domination. Considering whey we plunged into such a servile lethargy, though we are the inheritors of an uninterrupted historical work like Mahawamsa (The Great Chronicle) is a matter that cannot be neglected by us, who face prolonged defeats in every field. All our social and economic processes have to be invariably innovated. But all those processes should be based on various aspects of our national glory. This collection of short stories by Chandraratna Bandara may not help that effort substantially but, it paves the way for a new evaluation of new trends and tendencies, through our past books of thought and traditional systems of assessment.

Novel - 1993

Mrutha Ranganaya

(The Dance of Death)

This is collection of several poems composed b Chandraratna Bandara, from his early youth on. These poems that adopt an unusual style, occasioned considerable discussion among unorthodox groups.

The “Afterword” to that publication has this to say:

If one our to live yearning for a blue sky, on a rainy day.

he should consult an eye – specialist.

The Man who does not know what is going to happen to him, or what his future is, disturbs a heap of dust with his feet.

If there is someone who gazes upon the empty sky, he will think very much about something

poetry - 2001

Dumbara Latoniya

(The Lamentation of Dumbara)

The Preface has this to say: The Entry into the Lamentation

To those people in Dumbara, who led a life that was not an insult to their soul, with their existence firmly established in a region that was not affected by strong winds of innovation and modernization, sadness was offered, wrapped in an attractive cover. To the door step of these people who proclaimed their ancient glory to the world, through poems and recitals of Dumbara, modernization came and requested to be cordially accepted.

Those people who offered their sacred prayers to the River Mahaweli, to those people who entered into New Year transactions with the River Mahaweli, plans came to be drawn – up for exile in the so-called new world, because of the River Mahaweli itself. As a result of initial request, secondly an enforcement and thirdly an expulsion, they could not help but migrate wholesale to the east, giving up their pleasant lands and properties. Many non-material values they had inherited from their ancestors got discarded in the course of the trek itself. The new Colonists, who came into the fresh villagers, sent their noble, proud streams of thought floating down the canals of the fields in the Mahaweli Region.

The noble service, performed by them by giving up their original homes and villagers, received the praises of ministers and rulers. (To  couch those praises, alluring words of Sinhala, Pali and Sanskrit languages were utilized.) Those old villagers who came back after sometime, to Dumbara, to visit their Kith and Kin who had remained behind, saw luxury palaces built on their former lands – their lands that had been sold for exorbitant prices Princesses with bulging breasts. The people of Dumbara have been forced to a situation, in which they curse those who frolic and gambol on their blood and tears. This curse that has befallen these helpless men and women, disinheriting the world to those born in a small place in a small Island, has remained as a black mark on the future of developmental activities. Perhaps because the lamentation surging up from their souls has turned into a dialogue with the sun in the east, where the sun rises, the world-creating sun itself has become angered.

The fire of this mass lamentation has been converted into poetry, not with the intention of altering the process that is taking place currently but with the virtuous intention of giving a specific stamp to that lamentation.

Chandraratna Bandara In the “After word” of “The Lamentation of Dumbara” the following appears:  The River Mahaweli flowed on for time immemorial, tranquilizing the land and the environment around it.

The rhythm of the people, of the birds and the beasts and even of the trees and leaves on either side of the river came into being in terms of the lilting rhythm to which the River flowed. The River Mahaweli created a history. It also became the River of the hope of the people who went in search of life from time to time. The works he has produced so far as a creator of literature, have succeeded in adding a new dimension to that field. He has contributed much to society, as a social activist and as a media person.

“Dumbara Lamentation” is a bumper harvest that has been garnered from his Social Vision.


Monthly review of Social, economic and cultural affairs.

In the period 1987-87, society reached an extreme situation, with a gun culture dominating society. The Dialogue within country ceased fully.  MARGA is the magazine published by MARGA Institution, with Chandraratna Bandara as the Editor to resume the Dialogue, that stopped during the Reign of Terror. At that time, this magazine exerted a great influence a the educated elite in this country. Experienced politician S.B.Disanayake, Godfrey Gunatilaka, Dr.Nimal Gunatilaka, Dr.Nimal Sandaratna acted as the advisors.

Balaya Bedaherima

(Devolution of Power)

This was the foremost work, that helped in the dissemination of knowledge among the masses, about the peace process initiated by the Peoples Front Government, in about 1996. this book, written on the invitation of Her Exellency Chandrika Bandarajaike Kumaratunga, President and of Hon.S.B.Disanayaka, Minister of Samurddhi, Youth Affairs and Sports, was distributed Island-wide.

Articles from President Chandrika Kumaratunga, Minister S.B.Disanayaka, Dr.N.M.Perera, Dr.Chanaka Amaratunga, Prof. Shirani Bandaranaike, Prof. G.L.Peiris, Dr.Sumanasiri Liyanage, Dr.Navaratna Bandara, S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike, Rev.Aturaliye Indaratana Thero and Several other writers, are included in this work. In addition, all such documents as Agreements and pacts that formed the basis of the Develution Process, earlier, have been included here. The “After word” of the publication has this to day.:

“Freedom should begin from the bottom. Each village must become either a fully empowered Republic or a Village Council (Panchayath). To achieve this self-sufficiency is needed. To enable the affairs to be conducted all alone, the village must be capable of defending itself against the whole world.

Mahathma Gandhi

Vision of India

Jatika Getaluwata Visadumpatha

(In search of Solutions for National Crises)

Budusamaya saya Sinhalakama Soya Yema (In search of Buddhism and Sinhala-ness) this work discuss with fitting examples, that solutions can be found for  national problems by obtaining light from Buddhism and from the righteous values of Sinhala ethics, to oppose war, destruction of human life and discriminations leveled against human beings.

Nava Andukrama Viyavastavata Hendinveemak

(An Introduction to the New Constitution)

This work was brought out with the co-editorship of Karunaratna Paranavitana. They way written for the Publicity Processes that went on parallel to the Peace Processes of the Peoples Front Government of 1996′

The After word to this book has thus to say : “The responsibility for the formulation of a Constitution, that will assist the process of modern development in Sri Lanka, which claims a long heritage of democratic traditions, that will fulfil lives satisfactorily, and that will protect the identity and the heritage of all ethnic groups has loomed before us  today, in a manner that cannot be postponed.

Nava Andukrama Vyavastave Manava Aitivasikam

(Human Rights in the New Constitution)

This work, edited jointly with Karunaratna Paranavaitana, is presented in the picture – story format depicting the Human Rights in the proposed Constitution.

Mehevaraka Satahan

(Notes about a Service)

(Biographical work on Prof. G.L.Peiris)

This is a biographical work, on the life of Prof. G.L.Peiris.

Lankava Puratana Varimarga

(Ancient Irrigation works of Sri Lanka)

This is a new edition of the Sinhala version of |Ancient Irrigation workd of Sri Lanka”, by R.L.Brohier.

Sir D.B.Jayatilaka

This is the test of the Commemoratives Address on Sir D.B.Jayatilaka presented by Stanley Jayaweera. This edited jointly with Gamini Gunawardena.

Maithripala Senanayaka

(Notes on a Service 1998)

This a souvenir recording the outstanding events in the life of Mr.Maithripala Senanayaka. Edited version of the Annual Maithripala Senanayaka Commemorative Address.


(Started 2007)

Leading Sinhala newspaper published in Canada. The newspaper has been published continuously for sixteen years. In 2019, Yathra Newspaper won the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada Award. website:

Film Scripts


(The death-Line)

At the beginning of the systems of Colonization, a high-caste family migrates to the new colonies, along with some upcountry peasants, who had been down-trodden due to their low caste status. They migrate to Madukanda area in Vavuniya. This film script discusses the conflicts that arise between various castes and different ethnic groups and the eventual detente.

Viman Dorakada

(The Entrance to the Mansion)

This film script is based on the novel of that title.

Bhava Veethiya

(The Street of Emotion)

Diyattaka Muhunuwara

(Profile of a Water-fall)

A documentary film created for the hydro-electricity scheme at Ihala Kotmale (Upper Kotmale)

Piyavaren Piyavara

(Step by Step)

This was produced for the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs, with the peace process of Sri Lanka as the subject area.

Ahas gawwen Eha

The second part of the film ‘Ahas Gawwa’ directed by Dharmasena Pathiraja. The author has written this screenplay at the invitation of the cinematographer Donald Karunaratne of ‘Ahas Gawwa’.